As Pluto moves into Aquarius, it gives us an opportunity to awaken to new approaches of how we interpret and work with Pluto in Evolutionary Astrology. This workshop will reframe Pluto in terms of how it's traditionally positioned, especially narratives that tend to pigeonhole people and their charts into 'doomed' or 'negative' experiences. Applying a trauma informed lens of Pluto, we can come into a fresh & reclaimed co-creative relationship with the great transformer.
About Iris:
I am someone that moves through many worlds (& realms) and I've never felt a need to identify myself with one particular label. That said, my vocation in this life is a teacher and I've been journeying with that archetype since I was a little girl coming home from school, dressing her cat up in clothes to be the student while I played at teacher for a few more hours. That playful somewhat fierce learning spirit has never ceased (9th house moon that rules my chart!). That said- I have developed a love for much more integrative ways of learning & teaching than most traditional education models offer.
Being a teacher overlaps with my life as an artist. I teach in many different ways with different mediums. For my entire adult life, I've made a living as a professor teaching cultural studies and media studies in university. I'm thrilled to be offering new types of teachings through my work in archetypal & evolutionary astrology. I've journeyed with the myths & archetypes my entire life and teaching integrative archetypal astrology is my most truly embodied teaching spirit come to life yet.